You’ve made the appointment, you’re anxious for the lactation consultant to arrive, you’re wondering what to expect during the visit and if there is anything you should or could be doing to prepare.
First, great job seeking in-person help with breastfeeding! You’ve already demonstrated your commitment to breastfeeding and acknowledged you’re in need of support. We’re so proud of you for reaching out for help! We’re also eager to meet you!
Here’s what you can do to prepare for your in-home visit with the lactation consultant:
- Ensure your baby will be ready to nurse within a few minutes of your appointment time. You may need to give your baby a small feeding an hour or so before your scheduled appointment to curb your baby’s appetite but not fill him up.
- Have your phone nearby in case your lactation consultant needs assistance finding your house or getting in the gate.
- Rest and relax! Your lactation consultant is not concerned with how neat and organized your house is, so PLEASE do not clean or tidy up just for her. You just had a baby! No need to “excuse the mess.”
- Ask your partner or another family member to look after older children or pets so you can focus your attention on the baby and breastfeeding during the visit.
- Have a log ready to show your lactation consultant how often your baby has been feeding and stooling/urinating.
- Have your baby’s weight history available including birth weight, discharge weight, and most recent weight.
- Have your breast pump clean and ready for use if you are also requesting assistance with pumping or a flange fitting.
Here’s what you can expect during your in-home visit with the lactation consultant:
- Your lactation consultant will arrive on-time or even a few minutes early, so be ready!
- Your lactation consultant will come prepared with all the necessary “tools” and knowledge to help you and your baby breastfeed.
- Your lactation consultant will bring sterile equipment including a digital infant scale to weigh your baby before and after a feeding.
- Your lactation consultant will spend a few minutes with you discussing your concerns and going over your and your baby’s medical history before getting started.
- Your lactation consultant will ask you to show her to the area of your home where you feel most comfortable nursing (this could be your living room, bedroom, the baby’s nursery or anywhere else you are most comfortable).
- Your lactation consultant will let you know she first likes to see how you’ve been nursing before making any recommendations or suggesting ways you might improve your positioning or the baby’s latch.
- Your lactation consultant will not touch you or your baby without your permission.
- Your lactation consultant will be very gentle and never touch you or your baby in a way that is uncomfortable.
- Your lactation consultant will point out the positive things she is seeing such as how your baby is flanging out her lips or cupping her hands around your breast.
- Your lactation consultant will explain what she is looking for and what she is seeing.
- Your lactation consultant will offer recommendations and suggestions for ways to improve your baby’s latch or your positioning and ensure you are comfortable.
- Your lactation consultant will ask you if you have any concerns and go over any questions you may have.
- Your lactation consultant will ask you if you’d like help with pumping or have any questions related to expressing your milk.
- Your lactation consultant will ask you if you plan to introduce a bottle and if so, she will demonstrate the proper way to bottle feed a breastfed infant.
- Your lactation consultant will provide you with any handouts or medical referrals as well as a copy of your lactation service receipt (which is necessary for insurance reimbursement).

Speaking of insurance, be sure to check out our FAQs on Insurance Reimbursement for In-Home Lactation Services.
See you soon! Until then, hang in there and happy breastfeeding!