Alex Ryan Lactation Consultant Winter Garden Windermere Ocoee FL

Alex Ryan is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC), Birth and Postpartum Doula, Still Birth Day and Bereavement Doula, practicing in Central Florida and the coastal communities of Volusia, Flagler and St. Johns counties. Alex is currently pursuing her Bachelor’s of Science in Maternal Child Health: Human Lactation from Union Institute and University. Additionally Alex has successfully completed specialized training and continuing education in oral motor evaluation for families who may be affected by tethered oral tissue (TOTs) such as tongue tie and lip tie.

Alex has a passion for knowledge and prides herself on staying up-to-date with current research and new ideas. She has been enthralled with the pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding world since being present for her youngest siblings’ births as a teenager. When Alex became a mom herself her passion for breastfeeding awareness and advocacy grew even further. As a first-time mom Alex  and her new baby were introduced to donor breast milk and a community of mother’s who were more than ready to help!

Alex says, “I want parents to know that my focus is on the family as a whole. The birthing person’s mental and physical health are just as important as the breastfeeding child. As a lactation, birth and postpartum specialist my aim is: to make sure that mothers feel heard and understood; to help families set and reach attainable goals; and to help mothers find joy, fulfillment, and a sense of great accomplishment in their breastfeeding journey no matter what!”